Scabies and bed bugs are both common household pests, but they can be difficult to tell apart. They both cause uncomfortable itching and can be difficult to treat. However, it is important to distinguish between the two so you can properly identify which pest has infested your home or property and take the appropriate steps for treatment.
Physical Characteristics
Bed bugs are insects, while scabies mites are arachnids. Bed bugs are flat, oval-shaped insects that measure 1/4 to 3/8 inch in length. They are brown with a reddish tint and have six legs. Scabies mites are extremely small, measuring less than 0.2 mm in length, and are invisible to the human eye.
Bed bugs typically feed on human blood, while scabies burrow into the outer layer of skin, laying and hatching their eggs. Bed bugs are nocturnal and will only come out at night to feed, whereas scabies mites can be active during the day or night.
Another key difference between bed bugs and scabies is their preferred habitats. Bed bugs like to live in dark, warm, and damp areas, such as mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards. Scabies mites prefer burrowing into the skin where they can reproduce and cause an itchy rash.
Symptoms of bites:
The symptoms of bites from bed bugs and scabies are also different. Both bed bugs and scabies cause itching, but the symptoms can vary.
Bedbug bites cause:
Scabies bites cause:
However, some people may not react to any of the symptoms. The bites may sometimes be mistaken for skin conditions like eczema. So it's better to consult a doctor if any of the above symptoms are observed.
Bite Treatment:
The treatment for the bites from both bed bugs and scabies is different. Bed bug bites usually require no medical treatment. Home remedies such as calamine lotion or anti-itch creams may help relieve symptoms.
On the other hand, scabies bites need to be treated with prescription medications, including topical medications like permethrin cream and oral medications like ivermectin. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and complete the full course of treatment to ensure the mites are eliminated.
Bed bugs and scabies can be introduced into the home in various ways. Bed bugs typically hitchhike onto clothing or furniture from other infested locations, while scabies mites are usually spread through close physical contact with an infected person. The most common way to contract scabies is through skin-to-skin contact with a person who already has scabies. Additionally, bed bugs and scabies can be spread by sharing items such as towels, bedding, or clothing.
Bed bugs can be removed by cleaning and vacuuming the affected area. Bed bugs can be killed by high heat or cold temperatures, so wash all bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on the highest setting. It's also a good idea to launder items that have been stored for an extended period of time, as these can harbor bed bugs.
Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers, so take extra care when travelling. To avoid bed bug infestations when staying at a hotel, check for bedbugs in the creases of the sheets and mattress before settling in.
Scabies can be eliminated with proper treatment by a doctor, but it's also necessary to clean all clothing, linens, and towels in hot water and dry them on the highest setting to ensure all mites are killed. It's also important to wash any items that may have come in contact with an infected person, such as hats or coats.
To avoid scabies infestation, keeping skin clean and moisturized is a good idea and avoiding close contact with anyone who may be infested.
By understanding the differences between bed bugs and scabies, you can better identify which pest has invaded your home or property and take the appropriate steps for treatment. Of course, if you are still unsure, it is always wise to consult a professional pest control in Nashville who can help diagnose and treat the infestation.
By: Nida Hernandez of Growthbound Marketingg
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