Will Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs — India’s student essay

ITCHY BUMPS, BLOOD STAINS, BLISTER, and HIVES. All of these symptoms are caused by the critters that are too small for the human eye, BED BUGS. “ Ninety-seven percent of pest control professionals have treated bed bugs in the past year and this percentage is steadily increasing “, according to the 2018 Bugs Without Borders Survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association. 

The name Bed bugs would make one think that they are only located in your bed, but research and statistics show that fifty-nine percent of bed bugs are in nursing homes, forty-seven percent schools and daycare centers, forty-six percent in offices, fifty-five percent in college dorms, thirty-six percent in hospitals, and nineteen percent in public transportation. This is an issue in need of an answer. The first thought with any type of infestation is pest control; But will pest control actually get rid of bed bugs?

During World War II, bed bugs were such a big problem in the United States. With the use of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Malathion, they were eliminated, however in 1972, these chemicals were banned due to the adverse effects it caused individuals whom were exposed to them, as well as the negative effects it had on other wildlife. 

Now with the rise of international travel and places around the world returning to normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, bed bugs have become more prevalent than ever before, according to the bed bug statistics of 2021. Since the increasing bed bug issue, pest control is needed more than ever. 

Ninety-seven percent of pest control professionals treat bed bugs on an annual basis. The statistics definitely show that living in urban areas increases your risk of discovering a bed bug infestation in your home. Ninety-two percent of bed bug victims’ first sign of a possible infestation were noted from bites ,but according to an article by Colleen Figner, one out of three humans do not feel the bed bug bites.

pest control worker spraying pesticides in cabinet in kitchen

One sign of a bed bug infestation is to find small black or rust-colored stains on the mattresses. These stains are left behind by the feces of bed bugs. Sixty-eight percent of pest control professionals report bed bugs to be the most difficult pest to get rid of. A trained pest control professional can get the job done.

A pest control provider is trained on bed bug biology and behavior, meaning they know where to look for bed bugs and how to eliminate them at the source. Since you can not physically see the bed bugs, how do you know what to use to eliminate them?

 According to the National Pest Management Association .”Bed bugs may be easily confused with other pests, as eighty-four percent of pest control professionals were initially contacted about a different type of pest before identifying them as bed bugs. “ It is very important to know what type of infestation you are dealing with; so that you can deal with it in the correct manner. Although there are other effective ways to kill bed bugs. Pest control is the most efficient.

pest control worker spraying pesticides on floor at home

EPA has registered more than 300 products for use against bed bugs. Most of these can be used by consumers, but a few are registered for use only by specially trained professionals. Pest control professionals have developed total room heat treatments that are highly effective at killing bed bugs and their eggs. 

Some insecticides won’t actually kill the bed bugs unless you know the exact location of the bed bugs and their hiding places. Bed bugs have also built up a resistance over the years to several pesticides, so depending on what you use, it can be ineffective. Your best bet to get rid of bed bugs would be an exterminator. Exterminators use many different pest control strategies to get rid of bed bugs such as heat treatment, mattress encasements, crack and crevice injection, spot treatment, and pesticide dust. Some pest control professionals even have a canine inspection unit to help us sniff out where the bed bugs may be hiding.

After doing research and seeing the statistics, bed bugs are a big issue. Ninety-nine percent of pest control was used to treat bed bugs in the past year. Pest control can kill bed bugs if the proper measures are taken. You need to know where they are hiding. If they are eggs or adults. You also need to clean your house thoroughly and more. There are also different types of pest control. Knowing which type is more effective and which is not effective. As well as knowing the signs of bed bugs. A lot of things play a part in getting rid of bed bug infestation. But to answer if pest control can kill bed bugs? The answer is Yes.

Author: India Wilson

University of florida , Oklahoma state


  • https://www.wil-kil.com/blog/bed-bugs-need-hire-exterminator/
  • https://bedbuglawyer.org/bed-bug-statistics-2021/
  • https://www.pestworld.org/all-things-bed-bugs/bed-bug-facts-statistics/
  • https://www.wil-kil.com/blog/bed-bugs-need-hire-exterminator/#:~:text=Exterminators%20use%20a%20variety%20of,spot%20treatment


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