White Cockroaches

Have you seen a white cockroach in your house or business? You may be a little nervous or even excited at the sight of this rare creature. While it could be your first time spotting such an insect, white cockroaches are not uncommon. It’s just the molting phase of their life cycle; they’re not rare. This blog post will teach you all about white cockroaches so that you can be sure to identify them if you ever see one in your home.

What do White Cockroaches Look Like?

White cockroaches are typically about the same size as regular cockroaches. However, the younger ones can be smaller due to their differing growth rates. Their shape is similar to a regular cockroach, ovular and flat with long legs. The biggest difference between white cockroaches and their more common brown or black counterparts is, of course, their color.

As their name suggests, white cockroaches are completely white. This can make them quite easy to spot, especially if they’re scurrying around in a dark area!

Where to Find an Albino Cockroach?

Cockroaches are vulnerable when molting. So they try as much to enhance their safety while doing this by hiding in all manner of nooks and crannies- including deep inside cabinets or cracks on walls! You may also find white German cockroaches around food scraps indicating they’ve taken up residence near these substances.

What Happens to White Cockroaches Next?

Cockroaches go through a process of molting to grow. This involves the shedding of their old exoskeleton so that a new, larger one can form in its place. The molting process can take several hours to several days, during which the cockroach is vulnerable to predators. White cockroaches are especially vulnerable during this time as their lack of pigment makes them easier to spot.

Once the molting process is complete, the cockroach will have a new exoskeleton that is larger and more suited to its current size. The cockroach will also regain its pigmentation within a few days, returning to its original coloration.

Are White Cockroaches Dangerous?

White roaches may look more sinister than other cockroaches, but don’t worry – they’re not. Unlike the others who have stingers and can bite you (or worse), these guys just try to stay out of your way as much as possible! The scary truth about white bugs? Like their counterpart “normal” (colored) ones, these pesky creatures can carry disease which worsens asthma/allergies when you come into contact with them through shed exoskeletons, feces, or egg cases.

How to Get Rid of White Cockroaches?

Although it’s unlikely that a cockroach would cause serious harm, it’s best to be cautious if you have young children or pets in your home. Seeing a white cockroach indicates that the infestation is growing, and you have more roaches hiding in your home! To get rid of them, it’s important to first identify and eliminate the source of the infestation. Once you’ve done this, you can use various methods to get rid of the remaining roaches. These include:

  • Using traps: Cockroach traps are one of the most effective ways to get rid of these pests. There are a variety of different types of traps available, so be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for cockroaches.
  • Applying insecticide: Insecticide can be effective in getting rid of cockroaches. However, it is important to choose a product that is specifically designed for cockroaches. Applying the wrong type of insecticide can be dangerous to humans and pets.
  • Calling a professional: If you’re unsure about getting rid of cockroaches or have a large infestation, it’s best to call a professional. They will be able to identify the source of the problem and recommend the best course of action.


Taking steps to get rid of white cockroaches is important for the sake of your home and your health! These pests can carry a variety of diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. If you think you may have an infestation, don’t hesitate to call a professional for help.

Thrive Pest Control
2415 River Rd,
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Serving Nashville and Surrounding Areas

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