The traps should be left in these dark crevices overnight and removed early the next day. These will trap many spiders, so dispose them down the trashcan outside to keep your environment clean.
If you find one inside your home, do not try to pick it up to avoid getting bitten. Instead, pour a small amount of water on the spider, and it will be forced to flee or find another dark area that is safer.
You can also Place a dishtowel on the floor underneath where their webs are hanging. Black widows only walk on horizontal surfaces, so they’ll fall onto the towel when they try to cross it.
Remove anything that may attract black Widow Spiders, such as garbage cans or piles of lumber.
Put out yellow “bug” light bulbs in dark corners of your home to keep them away. Black Widows are not attracted to light.
Plant bushes and vines away from the foundation of your home. Black Widow Spiders will hide in lattices, large pots, or other garden structures. If you choose not to remove these items, be sure to move them as far away from your home’s foundation as possible.
Treat outdoor areas around your home with insecticide spray or granules. Black Widow Spiders typically nest underground, so treating these areas with insecticide will help to keep them away from your home and any people who may be nearby.
No matter which method you use, it is essential to wear gloves before touching the spider or its eggs. The venom of the black widow spider is very dangerous if it gets into your skin or onto your hands, so always wear gloves when handling one.
Lastly, if none of the methods effectively get rid of these creatures, you can call pest control in Nashville. A licensed pest control professional will be able to remove the spiders and ensure that none of them sneak away.